Landlord Legislation

At Chalmers Properties, we ensure full compliance with all applicable legislation.

Landlord Registration

As a private landlord, it is a mandatory requirement for you to apply for registration with the local authority in the area where your property is situated. This registration process ensures that all landlords are fit and proper individuals to lease their properties. By implementing this system, we establish a sense of accountability and adherence to minimum standards across the board.

Furthermore, this registration system facilitates easy identification and communication between tenants, neighbours, and landlords of private rented properties. It enhances transparency and streamlines the rental process for all parties involved.

For more information and to complete your registration, please visit the Landlord Registration Scotland website.

Additionally, let’s not forget that all letting agents operating in Scotland are also required to be registered for similar reasons. If you decide to appoint a letting agent, make sure to inform the local authority by providing the agent’s registration number. In the case of Chalmers Properties, our Letting Agent Registration Number is LARN2301004.

By adhering to these registration requirements, we collectively strive to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and accountability within the rental industry, ensuring a positive and responsible rental experience for all.


The Repairing Standard

Each property must meet a minimum physical standard is a fundamental requirement throughout the entire lease period.

The property must primarily be wind and watertight, providing a safe and secure living environment for its occupants. Additionally, it should be fit for habitation, connected to mains water and electricity, and all fixtures, fittings, and furnishings must be maintained in a reasonable state of repair. Fire Safety Standards also apply.

Moreover, fire safety standards are a crucial aspect of meeting the minimum physical standard for rental properties. Compliance with these regulations is essential to guarantee the safety and well-being of tenants.

For comprehensive details and in-depth information, you can refer to Chapter 4 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006. This chapter provides all the necessary guidance and requirements to ensure properties meet the necessary standards.

By adhering to these standards, landlords demonstrate their commitment to providing safe and habitable property, fostering a positive living experience for their tenant/s.

Implementing the Standard

In the event that tenants encounter difficulties with their landlord’s responsiveness to repair requests, they have recourse through the Housing and Property Chamber, First-tier Tribunal. To initiate this process, the tenant must have formally notified the landlord of the necessary repair and allowed a reasonable period for the repair to be completed. The time required for repairs may vary based on their nature.

If, despite the notice, the landlord fails to address the issue, the Tribunal has the authority to order the landlord to carry out the necessary repairs.

For comprehensive details and guidance on the process, please visit the official Housing and Property Chamber website.

Smoke Alarms & Fire Safety

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2004, indicates it is imperative to ensure sufficient fire detection measures in residential properties.

Here are the specific requirements for smoke alarms:

  • Installation Options: You have the option to install either wireless tamper-proof long-life lithium battery smoke alarms or mains-wired alarms (with required expiry dates).
  • Room Alarms: There must be at least one functioning smoke alarm in the room frequently used by the occupants for general daytime living purposes, usually the living room or lounge.
  • Circulation Spaces: On each storey, such as hallways and landings, or in the main room if there’s no landing in the upper storey, there should be one functioning smoke alarm.
  • Heat Alarm in the Kitchen: Every kitchen must have a heat alarm to detect potential fires related to cooking activities.
  • Ceiling Mounting and Interlinking: All alarms should be ceiling mounted for optimal efficiency. Additionally, it’s essential to interlink all alarms to ensure that when one alarm detects smoke or heat, all alarms activate simultaneously, alerting occupants throughout the property.

Adhering to these fire detection guidelines is crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of occupants. By providing the required smoke and heat alarms, you demonstrate your commitment to creating a secure living environment for your tenant/s.

Carbon Monoxide & Heat Alarms

As a landlord you are obligated to provide tenants with the smoke and heat alarm expiry dates. This information is crucial for ensuring the safety of your tenants and must be readily available.

Please refer to point 15 in the following link for more details: Fire detection in private rented properties: guidance –

Furthermore, it is essential to fit carbon monoxide detectors in properties where there are carbon-fuelled appliances, such as boilers, fires (including open fires), heaters, and stoves, or where a flue is present. This step is critical in safeguarding your tenants against potential carbon monoxide hazards.

Ensuring compliance with these safety measures not only protects your tenants but also demonstrates your commitment to providing a secure and well-maintained property.

Energy Performance Certificate

From January 2012, it’s a must for landlords to possess a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) while marketing their property for rent. This certificate remains valid for a period of 10 years.

The EPC is a valuable document that indicates the energy efficiency level of a property, ranging from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). Not only that, it also offers practical suggestions on enhancing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.

Investing in an energy-efficient property has multiple benefits. Not only does it attract more potential tenants, but it also increases rental income. As tenants are becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental impact and running costs of their homes, having an eco-friendly property sets you apart as a responsible and forward-thinking landlord.

Water Safety

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently released new guidelines regarding Legionnaires’ disease, specifically targeting hot water systems in private residential properties. It’s essential to stay informed and comply with these regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of your tenants.

As a landlord, the responsibility for implementing these guidelines falls on your shoulders. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the details and take necessary actions to safeguard your tenants from potential health risks.

For comprehensive information on the new guidelines and how to adhere to them, visit the HSE information page on Legionnaires.

Stay proactive and prioritise the safety of your tenants by staying up-to-date with these guidelines.


Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011 brought into practice guidelines laid down in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 to ensure deposits are held, administered and returned fairly.

All landlords are required by law to submit rent deposits into a recognised third party trust scheme. Chalmers Properties use the reputable SafeDeposits Scotland scheme right here in Scotland, to make sure the tenant’s deposit is handled, administered and returned with absolute fairness.

Electrical Appliances and Equipment (EICR & PAT)

Since 2015, it has been mandatory to conduct electrical safety inspections. These inspections consist of two essential components:

  • Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR): This entails a thorough inspection of all installations, fixtures, and fittings to ensure they meet safety standards.
  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT): This involves testing and recording the condition of appliances provided by the landlord to ensure they are safe to use.

Compliance with these regulations is imperative to ensure the safety and well-being of all occupants.

Furniutre & Furnishings

The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988 as amended provide that specified items supplied in the letting of residential property must meet minimum fire-resistant standards.

These regulations stipulate that certain items supplied in residential lettings must meet minimum fire-resistant standards.

To clarify, these regulations cover all upholstered furniture, including beds, headboards, and other soft furnishings such as bedding. However, antiques and items made prior to 1950 are exempted from these requirements. Chalmers Properties can work with clients on a risk assessment if necessary for their property.

Generally, items purchased from reputable suppliers since March 1990 are likely to be compliant with these fire safety standards. Items that meet the requirements typically have a suitable permanent label attached for easy identification.

For any uncertainties, we encourage you to get in touch with the manufacturer.

Book a Free Valuation

Chalmers Properties are experts in the appraisal of residential rental properties.

Get in touch now to find out how much your property could be worth.